"Eleven" The Movie
"Eleven" The Movie consists of interviews with eleven WWII veterans from Carrier Air Group 11. Featuring authentic U.S. Navy footage and candid wartime photos, these heroic airmen recount their Naval Aviation tours off Guadalcanal Island and aboard the USS Hornet in the Pacific Theater.
Runtime: 1 hour 17 minutes
Color / Documentary
Blu-ray special features include:
Historical documents, squadron photographs and archival 35mm footage of Carrier Air Group 11, plus more! Featurette: The Terrier and the Hare. The story of fighter pilot, "Rabbit" Moranville and his co-pilot dog "Gunner." (3 min.) Featurette: Radioman Flyer. Verg Bloomquist steps inside a TBM Avenger and returns to the skies after 72 years. (10 min.) Featurette: Dauntless Dick and Daring Ose. Additional interviews with Air Group 11 veterans Dick Miralles and Ose Veesey! (20 min.)
Runtime: 1 hour 17 minutes
Color / Documentary
Blu-ray special features include:
Historical documents, squadron photographs and archival 35mm footage of Carrier Air Group 11, plus more! Featurette: The Terrier and the Hare. The story of fighter pilot, "Rabbit" Moranville and his co-pilot dog "Gunner." (3 min.) Featurette: Radioman Flyer. Verg Bloomquist steps inside a TBM Avenger and returns to the skies after 72 years. (10 min.) Featurette: Dauntless Dick and Daring Ose. Additional interviews with Air Group 11 veterans Dick Miralles and Ose Veesey! (20 min.)